13 2017
Well this past week
has been sun and more sun! and sunscreen! haha it has gotten hot here in Chile,
and that means I am starting to look like a Latino, (although all the people in
the streets still scream hello in my face), this past week has been all about
finding people,
As the past week we
tried all types of ways to find people, we tried working smarter than harder
and then we worked hard in the ways we thought were smarter, haha ho
nestly we
talked to a lot of people this past week, and the sad part is none of them
really turned out to be interested, it was just one of those weeks in the
mission where you just got to keep the faith going, and just keep looking for
people and talking to everyone,
One thing that got a
lot better this past week was that we had tons of lessons with members, and
they are resulted out super great, our fecha with Gabby is doing great, we did
move her baptismal date for the 25, there it should stay firm and she should be
baptized on that date.
My thought for the
week was on the scripture where it says first seek to obtain my word then you
get share it. my scripture study over the past year has been like none other, I
for sure thank god for the scriptures and the studies that I have done, I love
being able to teach people, it honestly is my favorite thing to do, and I love
talking about the doctrine, lots of people here don’t like to believe anything
we say until we have scriptural doctrine to back it up. I am at the point where
I share something from the book of Mormon and then let the bible back it up.
time and time again, really, I love the feeling when the spirit testifies to
the people of what is going on, and when the people learn and grow closer to Christ
through the words of the holy ghost that come through my companion and me.
I hope all is going
good back at home!
Elder Anderson
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